Root protection films
Root protection films are the means of choice in gardening and landscaping, cycle path construction, road construction and track construction to prevent roots from growing into asphalt pavements, track beds, pipe systems, ponds, swimming pools, paths or canals. The roots do not suffer any damage, but continue to grow under or next to the liner. Unnecessary capping of roots and felling of trees is avoided, as are expensive repairs and remedial work.
As experts in geotextiles, we develop durable, lightweight and flexible nonwovens for vertical protection against root penetration. Material, weight per unit area and coatings are tailored to your requirements.
Blackout screens
Some plants, such as chrysanthemums or poinsettias, adjust their flowering time according to the seasonal length of the day. In greenhouses, these plants are deliberately darkened during certain growth phases with opaque films, so-called blackout screens, in order to artificially shorten the length of the day and thus the supply of light. This allows the timing of flowering and harvesting to be specifically controlled. The darkening is carried out partially with small blackout screens or via automatically controllable darkening systems in the entire greenhouse.
CaPlast offers you custom-fit solutions for targeted darkening or complete darkening in greenhouses. We adapt the coating of the sheets exactly to your needs in terms of flame retardancy, moisture permeability and resistance to UV, temperature and chemicals.
We will be happy to advise you on any special requirements for textile fabrics and films in the field of building construction, civil engineering, landscaping and horticulture. Please contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.